Shiva Puri Baba
Shiva Puri Baba
Shiva Puri Baba

Shiva Puri Baba

Sale price$170.00 USD

108 beads gemstones mala emanating the teachings of Shivapuri baba, with a Smokey Quartz tumble pendant.

Brown Lace Agate: Protection and Success. 1st and 3rd Chakras
Smoky Quartz: Eases anxiety and Grounds. 1st Chakra
Black Spinel: Inspiration and Revitalization. All Chakras
Pyrite: Increases Will power and confidence. 3rd Chakra

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Shivapuri Baba was a Brahmin in Kerala who spent 20 years in absolute solitude in the jungles, until he started, as he says, to ‘see God as Absolute’. When 50, he went on a pilgrimage around the world, the most part of it on foot, spreading the message of Yoga wherever he went. He was a sensation at that time, spent time as a guest of Queen Victoria, and met with Roosevelt. He then went for the ultimate journey to Nepal, and died with 137 years of age, a life of a Yogi as witnessed and retold by J.G. Bennet in his inspiring book ‘The Long Pilgrimage’.

108 bead mala strung on nylon coated steel wire with a faceted Smoky Quartz crystal.

Stone size: 8.5mm

All our products come in our Natural Cotton fabric pouches stitched and NGO, SEWING NEW FUTURES which provide training skills to underprivileged women.