November Birthstone - Citrine

November Birthstone - Citrine

A favourite amongst the Greeks and loved by the infamous Queen of England, Queen Victoria, Citrine is a rare type of quartz. The word, Citrine, is derived from the French word Citron, meaning yellow. Popularly known as the merchant stone or the money stone, this gemstone was believed to bring an abundance of prosperity into one’s life. Thought to protect one from evil thoughts and affording one access to a wealth of knowledge, Citrine is one of the most cherished stones of the gem family. 

 Recognised as the birthstone of November, Citrine was said to adorn everything from priestly breastplates and daggers to residences and jewellery. This gemstone is highly valued globally to this day, with a plethora of ancient civilisations believing it possessed the power of the sun, a symbol of positivity, growth and success.

Scorpio - Citrine 

 Scorpios are known to be exceedingly passionate and emotional beings. Due to their intensity, they can be regarded as solemn individuals who are determined and not afraid to go after what they want. Citrine gemstones can help balance their emotions and provide stability and calm, making it a perfect pairing for Scorpios. Wearing citrine healing jewellery can boost positive emotions such as happiness, allowing Scorpios a greater ability to compromise and show their vulnerable side.

For those who have a strong will, Citrine will help you to re-energize and boost your stamina because it is associated with the Solar Plexus and third eye chakra. If you or someone you know is struggling with issues concerning the heart, liver or even a good night's rest, this stone is an excellent choice! Citrine detoxifies the body, enhancing creativity while keeping the mind and body at ease.

 Get your Citrine birthstone pendants here!

 Discover our catalogue of citrine jewellery and range of malas, necklaces and bracelets on the Maha Mala online store.